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Social Media Campaigns

01 Level Up

“If my 11-year-old can spend hours watching a YouTuber play Fortnite instead of playing it himself, why can’t we upskill our developers the same way?” – Head of Marketing, APAC Google Cloud.

In 2019, Google Cloud launched its APAC YouTube channel. In a first of its kind for the region, the channel was created to engage with local audiences and feature local content that would keep viewers coming back for more. 


‘Level Up’ was the channel’s first video production series and new videos were released bi-weekly. They showed tech enthusiasts just how easy it is to build solutions using Google Cloud. Our hands-on hosts inspired audiences by building interesting solutions in real-time. We developed a casual and often quirky tone to connect with our dev-centric audience. 

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My favourite episodes

Throughout the series, I enjoyed overseeing everything from creative direction and scriptwriting to production planning and video launches, with production support from an in-house Google vendor.

02 Google Cloud Quiz

You’ve achieved the basics for social channels, such as followers and a content calendar. Now, how do you get them to engage and interact with you?

This is the conundrum we faced when Google Cloud’s APAC social channels sought to increase their community engagement. We had the followers, but they were not engaging much with daily posts. 

A new type of content was required to drive two-way communication. We chose to challenge the audience's understanding of Google Cloud offerings by simplifying a blend of technical product and solution benefit content into playful quizzes. For more examples, explore #googlecloudquiz on Twitter. 


Language Adaptations 

Assets were localised for regional social channels in Indonesia, Korea and Taiwan.


03 Repurposing global assets for social 

The mood board for this one looked like it had been made in the ‘90s by a kid who played too much Nintendo.


To reach our audience where they’re most comfortable, we needed clear, concise, and easily digestible social assets. However, Google Cloud’s product and solution assets were typically whitepapers and technical documents.


Inspired by Hansel and Gretel, we decided to make these assets bite-size and lay them out like breadcrumbs. At the start of this social campaign, the reader was introduced to animated or carousel banners highlighting key messages. These breadcrumbs were followed by a CTA to a high-level overview in the form of an infographic. For readers keen to explore further, a link in the infographic to the complete whitepaper formed the final breadcrumb. 

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04 Converting long-form content for social

At AWS, stock images were not living up to the quality of the bespoke written and video content. How could we attract readers to the case studies and whitepapers they didn’t know they wanted to read?


Mid-experiment, LinkedIn performance data revealed that videos greatly outperform images in terms of click-through rates and cost-per-lead.


By introducing motion, we created a far more impactful experience. I developed a video template, still being used today, that highlights key statistics from reports, and customer opinions from case studies. 

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